When A Mompreneur Says “I Need To Find A Babysitter”

I like to say, “If I can’t bring my kid, then I’m not coming,” when it comes to fun stuff, but I get so frustrated when people insist that I bring my son with me on business, even after I establish that I can’t make a meeting happen because I don’t have a babysitter. I get it, you think it’s the nice thing to do, I know.

But I cannot get any business done while simultaneously chasing my 2 year old around, trying to stop him from touching the fragile items in the room, stopping him from putting things in his mouth that you haven’t picked up off the floor, trying to ensure that he’s safe in a space that you haven’t given any thought to toddler-proofing before you decided it was “nonsense” for me to find a babysitter.

If I can control the environment, that’s one thing. Like, if we meet at one of my offices or in a neutral, safe, kid-friendly space—sure, let the kid roam free.

But I can’t bring a 2 year old to meet with you for 4 hours at a coffee shop. There’s not much there for him to do and I can’t strap him into his stroller for four hours just to keep and eye on him.  That’s just not cool.

I can’t bring a two year old to meet with you in a downtown basement bar at 7pm.

I can’t bring my two year old and let him roam free in your studio full of $10K worth of equipment. I can’t and I won’t.

On top of all of those facts, childcare is not free.

It costs a great deal of time and money to be galavanting around town as parent.  If our meeting doesn’t make me any money and I have to sacrifice my resources (money spent on childcare, time spent away from my family, etc.) to be present, then the meeting had better be something worth my time.

This is the reason why I try my best not to meet with people in person.  If the purpose of this meeting is not to exchange cash, exchange physical assets, or anything that would require me to be physically present, then a phone call or email will suffice.

I usually leave my son with his Daddy while I’m conducting business because no one is going to step in and mind him while I focus on the project at hand. They usually just insist you bring your child, scowl when the child does something unsavory, and then just watch you struggle to chase the child around, get the child to sit and eat, etc. Why would anyone think I’d want that while I’m trying to beast a business presentation?

When childless people say, “No, bring your kid! That’s totally fine!” they usually don’t actually mean that bringing your kid is a non-issue. They don’t actually know what they mean. They’re just trying to be nice or they just don’t have the time, capacity, or patience to reschedule.

My son is a 2 year old wonderful, brilliant, little handful. You can’t possibly predict how he’s going to feel and behave in every setting. I love having the freedom as an entrepreneur to bring him with me anywhere I want…and I know time is money so sometimes it’s just what it is. I do wish, however, that non-parents would think a little past the surface to understand this parent thing. 🌻

Are Lifelong Friendships Even a Possibility for Me?

If the friends I made throughout my life all lived in the same COUNTRY (nevermind the same state) that would be easier. I could have changed schools 40 different times and still maintained those budding relationships. It could have been easy to “show up” for those people and vice versa. I was a kid in the eras before social media…a time when long-distance phone calls, (nevermind INTERNATIONAL phone calls) were a limited privilege, not a basic first-world right. So, distance killed a lot of relationships for me. Lifelong friendships have always felt completely out of reach because communicating with friends was a struggle in itself.

Growing up as a military kid, it was hard to form meaningful friendships and that struggle has carried over into adulthood for me because by the time I was a teenager, I would just latch on to ANYONE that offered friendship… even if I felt uneasy about a person or even if a person wasn’t a very good friend to me. Deep down, I’d feel like I didn’t have time to scrutinize and I would look past red flags in favor of having someone I could call “friend”. I’d ignore the possibility that those people weren’t really “for me”.

I’d ignore disloyalty. I’d ignore blatant selfishness. I’d ignore the fact that these “friends” felt amused and comfortable in trying to hurt me. I’d forgive egregious betrayal and pat myself on the back for being such a forgiving person, all while ignoring my deep need for a friendship filled with love, acceptance, and reciprocation.

Over the past few years, all the fickle people fell off no matter how much I tried to hold on and the sadness I felt over those lost relationships ushered me into my current era of depressive isolation. Even though I feel more financially and emotionally stable than I’ve ever felt, the effort required to make real, new relationships is frightening and I don’t really try anymore.

Adulting compounds the issue, because having a family is always a good excuse to get out of the responsibility of the “effort”. This era of parasocial relationships easily disguises my fears, as it is very easy to seem personable and willing via social media.

I’ve been told that “obviously something is wrong with me” because I have no real, strong friendships and I’ve been told that I “need to take a look in the mirror” and figure out why nobody sticks around. That hurts me to core…because I’ve tried my damnedest to be an amazing, selfless friend to people in spite of their shortcomings and a few years ago, changing my entire life for the better exposed those fickle people as disloyal parasites.

My military family finally settled back down here in Colorado when I’d just turned 15. Right smack in the middle of my unavoidable teenage identity crisis. As the “new girl”, I’d form fickle relationships with people who already showed their true colors and I was impetuous in calling so many people “friend”. By the time I graduated high school, left for the military, and came back, I was knee deep in a romantic relationship with someone who shared this circle of high school friends.

Nine long, tumultuous years later, when that romantic relationship ended (abruptly and very messy), that circle of people made it known that their loyalty was to my ex. They made it known that the friendships I’d built with each person were a sham. Someone I felt the closest to even literally said, “I didn’t like how you handled your breakup so, no, we’re not going to be friends anymore.” That utterly blew my mind. Especially because even in the midst of her rocky romatic relationships and in spite of the fact that she was purposefully evil to her exes, I never once judged her for it or tried in any way to “punish” her for her mistakes. Reading that text message was a pivotal point for me. I didn’t see any point in fighting for my friendship, if I could even call it a friendship. I shut all the way down.

That was almost 3 years ago and since then, I’ve blossomed as a person. I’m thriving in my role as a mother, my relationship with my fiancé is flourishing, and I’m kicking ass in my business ventures. But, in spite of all my growth, I feel stuck. I want friends. I want to have confidantes. I want to feel close to people again, but I’m scarred. I hang out at home with my 9 month old and I don’t visit people. I don’t call people. I don’t show up.

Being a new mom made it easy to isolate myself and gave me acceptable excuses for avoiding the outside world. I never considered it as “postpartum depression” because I felt this way long before the strip told me I was carrying life inside me. The effort required to form meaningful relationships exhausts me because of how exhausting it is to be so suspicious and anxious about meeting new people. I’m tired of flimsy people and I’m unwilling to be vulnerable anymore. I know that my desired result requires me to be vulnerable but I don’t know how much more plutonic heartbreak I can handle.

So I’m just stuck. I don’t really know what it will take to encourage me to open up but my first instinct is to avoid everyone. I’m a very outgoing yet deeply introverted person. I prefer to be alone with my thoughts but, like any human would, I crave interaction. I smile, shake hands, and crack jokes to make it seem like I’m easy-going, but the truth is that every minute of every conversation with new people is agonizing because it’s so difficult to not concentrate on my fear that I’m, somehow not gonna cut it as this new person’s friend. It’s a fear that, somehow, despite this new person’s smiles and warmth, they won’t actually like me later down the road. It’s a deeply rooted fear that brings back all the anxiety of repeatedly “starting over” as a military kid. In its most basic form, it’s a fear of rejection. I’d rather stay home everyday with my little family and be filled with unconditional love, than go out into the world again only to find myself hurting and at the mercy of vulnerability.

I know, I’m stifling my own growth, I know. But I don’t know what it will it take for me to feel “friendly” and sociable again. I feel like I just don’t have the energy for the effort anymore. Sometimes I’m okay with that and sometimes it tortures me. It’s gonna take an extremely amazing friendship to overturn that paradigm for me, but then again, I may never be able to subject myself to a friendship enough to alter my schema of plutonic relationships in that way. All I can do is have patience with myself and other people. I’m tired though. So, hopefully I figure out how to navigate this aspect of myself before my time here on Earth comes to an end.

Finding My Magick

It’s been hard these past few days to find the motivation for anything. I show up for work because I have to eat. I eat because if I don’t, I’ll die. I’m just going through the motions. 

Last night we had a staff meeting at Roux Black Headquarters and Ru invited Life Coach/Improv specialist, Lainie Hodges to work with us. We did several improv-inspired team building exercises, Lainie facilitated a lot of discussion to help us learn about communicating better with each other, and we smoked a lot of weed. So, all in all, it was a really good work session. Lol. I think I loosened up a bit with my teammates and any tension that may have been between us dissipated.

 I did, however, notice a lack of motivation and enthusiasm in myself. It was horrible. I smiled, nodded, and gave my undivided attention, but in that moment, I was elsewhere. I had 5,280 things on my mind and I could not muster the wherewithal to focus on my dreams for just a couple of hours. Where is that magical motivation that I had in 2013? 

February 2016 is halfway over and I feel like I’ve accomplished nothing. When will I find the motivation to get out of bed in the morning and just do it? 

No, I don’t think I’m depressed (not yet, at least), but I’m mentally exhausted.  I try to be a joyful, positive person, but the odds n ends of life have a way of whittling  that happiness down to a poorly-made flute. I’m trying to play the notes, but as far as I can  tell, no one likes the song. 

As my dad says, life is going to hit me in the face. It’s unavoidable. Life has a way of reminding you to keep your feet on the ground when your heart has you living a dream before it’s your reality. I just have to remind myself that although I do my best work under pressure, self-inflicted pressure is counterproductive. 

When the pressure is on, I lose my motivation. When I get overwhelmed I bury my head in the sand. SO NOT GANGSTER. I need to toughen up and roll with the punches. I’m a powerhouse and everything I touch has the potential to be pure gold. I can’t lose my Magick. 

Imbolc: The Purification of Heart 

Today, February 2nd, 2016 is Imbolc. In case you’re not caught up, Imbolc (pronounced ee-molg) is an ancient holiday widely celebrated in the Gaelic and Celtic-speaking regions of Europe  to commemorate the last breaths of winter. 

The ancient tradition refers to the Celtic goddess, Brigid, guardian of the sacred flame of home and handcraft. Imbolc celebrates her transformation from the mother to the crone in the triple-goddess cycle of Celtic religious belief.

For me, Imbolc is a marker for the day of restoration. Today I let go of the murky desires and motives of my heart in order to be purified in the light of the Son.  I lit a white candle and said a prayer for purification. Imbolc is a day for cleansing. It’s a day to do spiritual handiwork. It’s the day of my new beginning. 

Father in Heaven, forgive me 

Son of Man, receive me

Purify the heart of sin 

That lives in shadow deep within 

Lord, I confess my wrongs to you

And humbly ask for your forgiveness.

Jesus is Lord, Jesus is King, and Jesus lives on through me. 


Organize the Mission

From the time I woke up this morning until this very moment, I have been on the go. I set myself up for greatness last night and made it to my first meeting of the day with zero setbacks (that’s a first).  I’m not free to discuss the greatness that happened in that meeting but my spidey senses tell me that 2016 is already going to be my best year ever. I have a plan and people in my life who will hold me accountable.  It really feels good to know exactly what my next step will be. It almost completely takes the stress out of a hectic schedule. 

This year, I plan to accomplish (rather than hope to accomplish) the goals that I’ve habitually forgotten and prove that I have the discipline/perseverance required.   I need to build something great for myself. I owe myself that much. 

I hear that the key is to “write the vision down and make it plain.” Get it on paper. Organize the mission. That’s the first step. I dedicate this evening to outlining the vision. The only thing left to do after that is to take the next step. 

The Inspired Life 2: Back in the Saddle

Today I got my life together. I cleaned out my closet, reorganized my desk, and scheduled my week according to the priorities  of each task. I also managed to do some spiritual reading, took a shower, and was in bed by 11 pm (which is early, for me). It may sound strange, but I’m so grateful for these little things. 

The period of my life between 2013 and 2015 seemed to be rock bottom. I lost three jobs in a row. I totaled my car. I almost lost the love of my life. The dark cloud seemed like it would never move on without me.  


I need the old AND the new school planners to deal with my brain

 But then, there was today. I rocked today and I hope this euphoric motivation I feel is everlasting. 

I’m learning that all it takes is one step at a time. I will one day move mountains. But today, I just need to focus on managing my weekly schedule.

Cut Your Own Bangs B!&@$

Cut Your Own Bangs B!&@$

Black shirt

ASOS black tight
$8.60 – asos.com

Yves Saint Laurent leather shoes
$1,385 – harrods.com

Mansur Gavriel leather bag

Silver bracelet

H M ring
$6.26 – hm.com

ASOS head scarf

Shimmer eyeshadow

Black lipstick

Gilted in Gold #BLACKSUMMER

Gilted in Gold #BLACKSUMMER

Peplum top
$44 – nelly.com

Miss Selfridge black crop top
$39 – houseoffraser.co.uk

VDP black pants

Boutique Moschino black shorts
$330 – net-a-porter.com

Valentino black boots

Black shoes
$1,115 – christianlouboutin.com

Paul Andrew black sandals
$1,125 – avenue32.com

Alexander McQueen skull purse
$1,820 – harveynichols.com

Moschino leather bag
$690 – matchesfashion.com

Shaun Leane rose gold jewelry
$9,215 – couturelab.com

Versace gold watch

Rachel Zoe leather bracelet

Gemstone jewelry

Oscar de la Renta black belt

Snapback hat

Chanel perfume

The Inspired Life is Evolving…

Dear reader,

Cheers to my 40th post! First, if you’re a regular visitor, I’d like to thank you for accompanying me on this exceedingly slow journey to discovering who I am as a writer. Thank you for your patience and your participation in helping me decide where I want to go and what I want to do. Right on.

While on hiatus, I was desperate for some local reads. I scoured the internet, looking for the best Metro-Denver-based style blogs and I soon realized there were none that appealed specifically to me. Whenever I look for style inspiration or advice, I find myself consulting sources from opposite ends of the Earth. Why isn’t there a hip, young, and stylish street style blog that represents me, a 20-something living in Denver, CO? I don’t know, but I hope to fill that void in the blogosphere with The Inspired Life. 

Though it should have been clear (since I really enjoy blogging about my style and love to talk to people about their styles), I never considered that writing about fashion is what I LOVE and SHOULD do.  I never thought I could just boundlessly do what I love to do, without anyone’s permission, until I realized I should demand from myself that same creative inhibition and fearlessness I expect from other bloggers.  I’ve learned in these 3 short months to finally trust my instincts, close my eyes, and leap.

Thank you for inspiring me, Reader, and cheering me on along the way.

So, The Inspired Life is evolving.  If you’re down with me, follow @InspiredLifePR on Twitter for live updates, as this site will be under constant construction until September 28th, the official birth date of the NEW Inspired Life.

^__^ Thanks and MUCH Love!





*** If you live in the Metro Denver area and you’d like YOUR style to be profiled, click here to fill out The Inspired Life Style Profile survey form.

***If you live in the Metro Denver area and are a(n) visual artist, musician, designer, stylist, or just an all-around cool guy or girl, email me at

b.mitchell.theinspiredlife@gmail.com for FREE promotion through this site.